Schedule 40 PVC Conduit, Everything You Need to Know

1. What is Schedule 40 PVC conduit?


Schedule 40 PVC conduit is a rigid, lightweight plastic pipe made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used to protect and route electrical wiring.

Its Schedule 40 designation indicates a standardized wall thickness that balances durability and flexibility, making it suitable for most electrical applications.

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-schedule 40 pvc conduit pipe

Schedule 40 rigid PVC conduits are for aboveground use indoors or outdoors exposedto sunlight and weather, and for underground use by direct burial or encasement in concrete. Specifically marked for underaround use are suitable for useunderground only by direct burial or encasement in concrete. SCH 40 conduits are commonly employed in residential, commercial, and industrial settings to shield wires from physical damage, moisture, and environmental factors. It is known for its corrosion resistance, ease of installation, and cost-effectiveness.


2. What does “schedule” & “40” mean in the context of Schedule 40 PVC conduit?


Schedule: This term indicates the standard used to define the conduit’s wall thickness and strength. It helps classify conduits based on their ability to withstand internal pressure and external stress.

40: The number “40” specifies the exact wall thickness and pressure rating for the conduit within this classification.

For example, “Schedule 40” and “Schedule 80” are common designations, with Schedule 80 having a thicker wall than Schedule 40.

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-NPS

According to Wikipedia, Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) is a North American set of standard sizes for pipes used for high or low pressures and temperatures. Both polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipe (CPVC) are made in NPS sizes.

“Nominal” refers to pipe in non-specific terms and identifies the diameter of the hole with a non-dimensional number (for example – 2-inch nominal steel pipe” consists of many varieties of steel pipe with the only criterion being a 2.375-inch (60.3 mm) outside diameter).

Specific pipe is identified by pipe diameter and another non-dimensional number for wall thickness referred to as the Schedule (Sched. or Sch., for example – “2-inch diameter pipe, Schedule 40”).


3. What are the key specifications for Schedule 40 PVC conduit?


Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-Ctube SCH 40


Wall Thickness: Varies by size; for example, 1/2 inch conduit has a wall thickness of approximately 0.109 inches.

Dimensions: Available in sizes from 1/2 inch to 8 inches in diameter, with standard lengths of 10 or 20 feet.


4. What are the detailed testing requirements for Schedule 40 PVC conduit (UL listed )?

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-UL


4.1 Material and Workmanship


The compound of Schedule 40 rigid PVC conduits are made shall equal or exceed the cell classification 12123 as described in Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC), Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC Compounds), ASTM D 1784.

According to ASTM D1784-20, the standard provides a classification system and specifications for rigid PVC and CPVC compounds used in extruded or molded forms, such as pipes and fittings. It defines requirements for base resin, impact resistance, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, deflection temperature, and flammability.

The materials, which can be in forms like cubes, granules, or powders, must be uniform and free of contaminants. This standard applies to compounds with at least 80% vinyl chloride, allowing the inclusion of additives like lubricants, stabilizers, pigments, and fillers.


4.2 Dimensions

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know

Size Outside diameters
Walln thicknesses
Average inside diameter
Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum
1/2 0.848 0.832 0.109 0.578
3/4 1.060 1.040 0.113 0.780
1 1.325 1.305 0.133 1.004
1-1/4 1.672 1.648 0.140 1.335
1-1/2 1.912 1.888 0.145 1.564
2 2.387 2.363 0.154 2.021
2-1/2 2.890 2.860 0.203 2.414
3 3.515 3.485 0.216 3.008
3-1/2 4.050 3.950 0.226 3.486
4 4.550 4.450 0.237 3.961
5 5.613 5.513 0.258 4.975
6 6.675 6.575 0.280 5.986


4.3 Test Conditions

Unless otherwise specified all specimens for each of the performance tests in this standard shall
be preconditioned for at least 24 hours, in still air, at a temperature of 23.0 ±2.0°C (73.4 ±3.6°F).


4.4 Performance Tests

Test Requirement
Tensile strength 5,000 psi (34.5 MN/m2) (3.45 kN/cm2) (3515 gf/mm2) for Schedule 40.
Water absorption Finished Schedule 40 shall not absorb any more water than 0.50 percent of its own weight while immersed for 24 hours in distilled water.
Resistance to impact The SCH 40 rigid PVC conduit shall not crack or tear longer than 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) along the outer surface.
Flame Vertical specimens of the finished Schedule 40 rigid PVC conduit shall not flame for longer than 5 seconds following any of three 60-second applications of flame, the period between applications being 30 seconds.
Sunlight resistance Conditioned for 720, 1080, and possibly 1440 hours shall have average
Izod impact strengths*.
*Only part of the contents are listed for reference only, please refer to UL 651 for details.
*The Izod impact strength test is an ASTM standard method of determining the impact resistance of materials.



4.5 Flammability Test


Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-Flame resistance

UL 94 tests the material’s reaction to flame and classifies it based on how quickly it extinguishes.

The ratings are as follows:

Class Orientation of
Test Sample
Definition Time of Burn Allowed Practicle Drop Allowed Plaque Holes
Flaming Non-
UL 94 HB Horizontal Slow Burning Burning rate of less than 76mm/min for aspecimenless than 3mm thick and burning stopsbefore 100mm
UL 94 V-2 Vertical Burning Stops 30s Yes Yes /
UL 94 V-1 Vertical Burning Stops 30s No Yes /
UL 94 V-0 Vertical Burning Stops 10s No Yes /
UL 94 5VB Vertical Burning Stops 60s No No Yes
UL 94 5VA Vertical Burning Stops 60s No No No

The Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), published by the Canadian Standards Association, is the
Canadian safety code for electrical installations that is adopted into law by each province and territory with amendments or local rules. The Code includes references to an astringent series of tests developed for lame testing of wires and cables. Cables are marked from FT1 to FT6, depending on which of the specified flame test requirements they fulfill.

Here are the details of the testing methods and assessment criteria:

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-CSA flame tests

*The FT4 certification is one of the most popular as it has one of the toughest tests to pass, given the 70,000 BTU/hour flame.


4.6 UV Resistance

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-Flame resistance

UV rays have the ability to disrupt and damage the molecular chains in a material, breaking apart the molecules and destroying their structural integrity. When the molecules break apart, they produce highly reactive atoms with unpaired electrons known as free radicals. This process is called photodegradation, and it’s a major concern for plastic materials that must spend a lot of time outside.

Plastics conduits that are undergoing photodegradation will begin to crack, discolor and lose their strength and flexibility. This can spell disaster for the sensitive components of electronic cable.

To ensure the products can endure the sun’s ultraviolet radiation throughout their intended lifespan without degrading or losing their normal qualities, UV testing is performed. The ultraviolet (UV) light test is designed to determine whether or not the plastic has lost any of its standard qualities, such as color or impact, and flexural strength (exactly which qualities are evaluated is highly application-specific). 8 years of UV exposure can be mimicked in about 480 hours.


4.7 Marking

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-SCHEDULE 40 pvc rigid conduit

Each Schedule 40 PVC conduit must be clearly marked with the UL symbol, indicating that it meets the stringent requirements of UL 651. The marking also includes the type of conduit, the UL standard number, the manufacturer’s name, and the conduit size. These markings ensure easy identification and compliance verification during installation.


5. What are the common applications of Schedule 40 PVC conduit?


Schedule 40 PVC conduit is commonly installed both aboveground and underground.

5.1 Residential

It is commonly used to run electrical wiring throughout homes, protecting cables in walls, basements, attics, and garages. It’s also used for outdoor lighting, garden power supplies, and pool wiring, where durability and moisture resistance are key.


5.2 Commercial

In commercial buildings, Schedule 40 PVC conduit is used to route electrical and communication cables through walls, ceilings, and floors. It’s ideal for office spaces, retail stores, and public buildings, offering a cost-effective and easy-to-install solution for both new construction and renovations.

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-Ctube SCH 40


5.3 Industrial

In industrial environments, this conduit is used to protect wiring in manufacturing plants, warehouses, and other facilities where exposure to chemicals, moisture, or physical impact might be a concern.


6. How deep should Schedule 40 PVC conduit be buried underground?


6.1 General Guidelines for Burial Depth

The National Electrical Code (NEC) provides general guidelines for the burial depth of electrical conduits, including Schedule 40 PVC. The NEC suggests that the minimum depth of burial should be:


Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know


18 inches for Direct Burial: If the Schedule 40 PVC conduit is directly buried in the ground, the top of the conduit should be at least 18 inches below the surface. This depth helps protect the conduit from damage caused by digging, landscaping, and other surface activities.


6 inches for Concrete Encasement: If the conduit is encased in concrete, the required burial depth can be reduced to 6 inches. Concrete provides additional protection against physical damage, reducing the risk of conduit failure.


12 inches for Under a 2-inch Concrete Slab: When the Schedule 40 PVC conduit is installed under a concrete slab that is at least 2 inches thick, the burial depth can be 12 inches. The concrete slab offers extra protection, making a shallower burial depth acceptable.


6.2 Factors Affecting Burial Depth

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-NEC-Minimum-Cover-Requirements-Buried-Wiring

Soil Type: The type of soil can impact the stability of the buried conduit. For example, loose or sandy soils may require deeper burial to prevent the conduit from shifting over time. Conversely, in dense, compacted soils, the conduit may be more secure at shallower depths.

Environmental Conditions: In areas prone to freezing temperatures, the conduit should be buried below the frost line to prevent damage from ground movement caused by freezing and thawing cycles. The frost line depth varies by region, so local climate data should be consulted.

Traffic Load: If the conduit is buried under areas subjected to heavy traffic, such as roads or driveways, additional depth or concrete encasement may be necessary to protect the conduit from damage due to pressure and vibration.

Type of Installation (Direct Burial vs. Concrete Encasement): As mentioned, direct burial requires deeper installation compared to conduit that is encased in concrete. Concrete encasement provides additional protection, allowing for a shallower burial.


7. How does Schedule 40 PVC conduit differ from Schedule 80 PVC conduit?

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-Schedule-40-vs-80-03

7.1 Wall Thickness


– Schedule 40: This conduit has a thinner wall compared to Schedule 80. This makes it lighter and easier to handle.

– Schedule 80: The wall is thicker, providing extra durability and strength. The added thickness helps protect the wires inside from physical damage.


7.2 Pressure Rating


– Schedule 40: Typically used in environments where high pressure or physical stress is not a primary concern. It is more suited for general-purpose applications.

– Schedule 80: With a higher pressure rating, this conduit is better suited for areas where higher mechanical protection is required, such as in industrial settings or locations where the conduit might be exposed to impact.


7.3 Cost


– Schedule 40: Generally less expensive due to the thinner wall and lower material usage.

– Schedule 80: More expensive due to the thicker wall, added durability, and higher pressure rating.


7.4 Installation difficulty


– Schedule 40: Generally faster to install due to its lighter weight and ease of handling.

– Schedule 80: Takes longer to install because of the added complexity in handling, cutting, and bending the thicker conduit.

Inch Weight Comparison
lbs/per 100 ft
*NECA Normal Labor Installation man/hours per/100 ft Wall Thickness
SCH 40 SCH 80 SCH 40 SCH 80 SCH 40 SCH 80
3/4 23 29 4.5 5.4 0.113 0.154
1 34 43 5.3 6.3 0.133 0.179
1-1/4 46 59 6.0 7.2 0.140 0.191
1-1/2 55 99 7.0 8.4 0.145 0.200
2 73 99 8.0 9.6 0.154 0.218
2-1/2 125 152 9.0 10.8 0.203 0.276
3 164 212 10.0 12.0 0.216 0.300
3-1/2 198 262 12.0 N/A 0.226 0.318
4 234 310 14.0 16.8 0.237 0.337
5 318 431 18.0 21.6 0.258 0.375
6 412 592 24.0 28.8 0.322 0.432


8. What are the other criterias that concerning about Schedule 40 PVC conduit?

Schedule 40 PVC Conduit, Everything You Need to Know-astm

8.1 ASTM Standards


– ASTM D1785: Defines the material properties, dimensions, and wall thickness for Schedule 40 PVC conduit, ensuring it is suitable for pressure and electrical applications.

Schedule 40 PVC Conduit, Everything You Need to Know-CSA

8.2 CSA Standards


– CSA C22.2 No. 211.2: Ensures that Schedule 40 PVC conduit meets Canadian standards for electrical safety, including material quality, mechanical strength, and flame resistance.


Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-Flame resistance


8.3 NEC Compliance


– NEC Article 352: Provides guidelines for the installation and use of Schedule 40 PVC conduit, including requirements for grounding, securing, and protection from UV rays in outdoor applications.


9. Ctube’s SCH 40 & 80 Rigid PVC conduit


Ctube is a manufacturer and supplier of high-quality PVC conduit, pipe, and fittings, renowned for delivering innovative solutions to construction projects worldwide.

Based in China, Ctube’s manufacturing facilities in Dongguan City and Shaoguan City are ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certified, reflecting commitment to quality and environmental sustainability.

Ctube’s Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 PVC conduits, which are UL and CSA certified, ensure reliable performance in a wide range of applications, from residential to industrial. With additional international certifications such as SGS, ROSH, CE, and IEC, Ctube products are trusted by customers for their superior quality and compliance with global standards.

Schedule 40 PVC conduit, Everything You Need to Know-Ctube SCH 40



1. What’s the Difference Between Schedule 40 Electrical Conduit and Schedule 40 Plumbing Pipe?


The primary difference between Schedule 40 electrical conduit and Schedule 40 plumbing pipe lies in their intended use and material composition. Schedule 40 electrical conduit is designed to protect electrical wires, with a focus on resistance to UV rays, impact, and flame retardance. It often has a smoother interior for easier wire pulling and is typically made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that meets specific electrical standards.

In contrast, Schedule 40 plumbing pipe is designed for carrying water and other fluids, focusing on pressure ratings and resistance to corrosion. While both may look similar and share the same thickness, their formulations and testing standards differ, making them unsuitable for interchangeability.


2. What Tools Are Needed to Cut and Install Schedule 40 Electrical Conduit?


To cut and install Schedule 40 electrical conduit, you’ll need the following tools:

1. Measuring Tape: To measure the length of conduit needed.

2. Pipe Cutter or Hacksaw: To cut the conduit to the desired length.

3. Deburring Tool or Utility Knife: To smooth out rough edges after cutting.

4. Conduit Bender: For making precise bends in the conduit.

5. Fittings: Such as couplings, elbows, and adapters, to connect conduit sections or make turns.

6. Solvent Cement: For bonding conduit sections and fittings securely.

7. Marker: To mark cutting lines and alignment points on the conduit.


3. What Are the Key Differences Between Schedule 40 Electrical Conduit and Rigid Metal Conduit?


Schedule 40 PVC and Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC) differ primarily in material, durability, and application. Schedule 40 is made of PVC, offering corrosion resistance, lightweight handling, and lower cost, but it’s less durable under physical stress. RMC, made of galvanized steel or aluminum, is more robust, providing superior protection in high-stress environments, but it’s heavier, more expensive, and requires specialized tools for installation. The choice between them depends on the project’s specific durability and environmental requirements.


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As a professional and leading PVC conduit and fittings manufacturer in China, Ctube specializes in the development and production for innovative PVC conduit and fitting products for the cable management and protection. All products are certified by UL, AS/NZS 2053, CSA, CE, ROHS, IEC, and more. Ctube are committed to delivering high-quality products and services efficiently and promptly to our customers of global markets. Looking for a reliable manufacturer and supplier of PVC electrical conduit ? We would be your best partner. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.

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